Monday, April 10, 2006

About Love, Sex, and the petty details

If singleness is worthy for something is to think about all that things we don't wanna think about when we are coupled and/or in love , because those remove the issue's charm, itsn't it?

The truth is that the LOVE, as marvellous and fantastic as it looks to us, many times is nothing more that a join of circumstances that lead you to blindness. Are those PETTY DETAILS like the scent of his clothes, the way he touch your hand, the dimple that appears in his face when is smiling, and that song he played in the car while he was taking you home (and that's also your favorite) the ones that make that step by step you are dropping into a vicious circle of exaltation of his virtues and nescience of his faults... those will appear once it's very difficult to take this person out of your head. If you realize many times we met our better half in the most unexpected place. Our neighbour, your brother's friend, the boss's daughter... what a coincidence, isn't it? What a blessing that of the almost 6,000 million people that populate the planet you've been so lucky to find your unique and irreplaceable ideal couple... forever and ever.

Of course in this stuff SEX has a major role. Why do we just fit perfectly with some people and with some others everything turns into a comic trying of coordination???? Who knows, but that's the fact. And as all of us know, operate at bed means happyness in the couple, to wake up with a smile that floods your face despite you haven't sleep at all during the night. what a curious thing. I would say that those PETTY DETAILS I was talking about before play a role in here too. Where he put his hands on you, how his breath smells, how yearns, if he is looking in your eyes and in which face, and a a veeeeery loooong etcetera.. Do you really think that the size matters so much??? I will set like 50 PETTY DETAILS over the size, seriously.

And finally, the LOVE, something so spiritual, so high, and based on pillars as robust as personality, character, ethics and personal moral systems, and oneself's life philosophy... How is the possible that so commonly SEX turn into LOVE and LOVE into SEX, and all that depends only on a few PETTY DETAILS totally uncontrollable???? Whay don't you lije that one that factually is the man of your life and all the same you loose your underpants for the last person you will stay with? Why that person you inhabit your dreams with disappeared of your head and guts after that first and fatidical pitiful screw? Why that one you shagged last night (and that made you see the moon seas in the back seat of his car) looks more and more like the kind of person you need to be happy, and you can avoid to swallow saliva when he simply ring in your mobile phone? Though you instantly think: "Buaf, what would want this one now...?" Let's not to cheat ourselves, the physical defeat us, the exquisite quiddities that impede us control the feelings, and thinking about it will change nothing. NOTHING.


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